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Our School Day

The School Day

We open our doors at 8.45am, ready for our school day to start at 9am. Throughout the day, children will take part in a range of lessons which will end at 3.30pm. The total hours the school is open in a typical week is 32.5 hours.

A day in the life of our school

Time Session
8.45-9.00 am Arrival to school
9.00-9.10 am Registration
9.10-9.30 am Collective worship
9.30-10.35 am Phonics/SPAG/English
10.35 - 10.50 am Morning break time
10.50- 11.50 am Handwriting/Maths
11.50-12.00pm Storytime
12.00-1.00pm Lunch/Break time
1.00-1.10pm Registration
1.10-1.30pm Guided reading
1.30-2.30pm Foundation lesson
2.30-2.45pm Afternoon break time
2.45-3.20pm Foundation lesson
3.20-3.30pm Story time/Home time

Breakfast club is available from 8.00am and wraparound care until 5/5.30pm.