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Please see below our school uniform list and where to purchase it:

Foston Uniform

  • Red sweatshirt with school logo
  • Red cardigan with school logo
  • Trousers, shorts, skirts- dark grey
  • Yellow polo shirt (with or without logo)
  • Dark coloured school shoes with sensible heels
  • Red / Yellow dress
  • Suitable black footwear (no open toed-shoes)

PE kit

  • White t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Trainers (to be kept at school for daily P.E sessions)
  • Black jumper (this may be a hoodie)
  • Black jogging bottoms

School uniform can be purchased direct from

We also accept school uniform providing it is the correct colour from all leading retailers.

Book bags and P.E. bags with the school logo on can be ordered directly from the School Trends website.


Please assist us by clearly labelling items of clothing with your child’s name to make it easy for us to identify and return lost items of clothing.