Our School Vision and Values

Love, Learn and Grow Together

At Foston and Terrington Federation our commitment to promoting sustainability, affirming diversity, embracing community and inspiring creativity. Our core Fruit of the Spirit  values of love, joy, patience and self-control are rooted in the words of St Paul (Galatians 5 v 22-23). These Christian values are fostered in the pupils and staff building an ethos where all can flourish.

Please contact us on fostonoffice@foston.n-yorks.sch.uk to arrange a convenient time to meet our staff team. We will be delighted to share our excellent learning environments with you.


Fruit of the spirit

Love: To develop collaborative opportunities with the children, parents, local church, communities and beyond.
Patience: To develop an atmosphere of mutual respect and teamwork that reflects our Christian ethos.
Joy: To ensure children have a joy for learning through a dynamic and creative curriculum that stimulates all and allows children to flourish in a purposeful environment.
Self-control: To develop independent, resourceful and forward thinking learners.