Welcome To Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

In class 3 we have the junior children from year 3-4. The class teacher is Mr Yip, with Miss Sidhu who is our  teaching assistant.

We pride ourselves on our exciting topics that are engaging, creative and memorable! Where possible, we try to give children real experiences and plan regular trips or invite people into school each half term. As a small school, everyone is included and takes part in the sporting events, drama productions and other competitions, such as Choral Speaking.  All our topics link to our Curriculum drivers that are creativity, community, inclusivity and diversity.

We work together as a team and learn from one another. The learning is differentiated to individual year groups, but the children are expose to the rich vocabulary in their lessons. We plan lessons that include all our learners, ensuring they are practical, purposeful, creative and ultimately the children make clear progress. One of our aims is to ensure the children are independent learner, who can seek support in different ways. We therefore encourage collaborative working and resourcefulness.

We use online programmes such as Spelling Shed, Century and Times Table Rock Stars to aid the children in their maths and English skills. These programmes can be accessed at home and in school.

Mr Yip

Class Teacher

Miss Sidhu

Teaching Assistant